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I'm a member of Qdynamics Corp. Quantumin Plus for more than a year. i'm used to buy it with member's price or on kit when im still living in the Philippines,since i moved here in US i would like to ask if i could still avail the member's price to purchase online or you have other options for member's benefits. looking forward to answer this questions as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteI'm a member of Qdynamics Corp. Quantumin Plus for more than a year. i'm used to buy it with member's price or on kit when im still living in the Philippines,since i moved here in US i would like to ask if i could still avail the member's price to purchase online or you have other options for member's benefits. looking forward to answer this questions as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteYes. You can still avail the old prices but you will have to shoulder the courier costs. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Jennifer - 09228129442